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The "Good Deed" campaign 2014

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The end date
Акция «Доброе дело»

From 9th September to 15th October 2014 our foundation jointly with non-profit organization «Help to stray animal» organized a charity campaign "NEUTERING SAVES LIVES". As a result of this campaign and financial support from all concerned people were sterilized 83 dogs in Kazan! Veterinarians Arkady Birev from the clinic "Vetsovet", Mikhail Potapov and Alexey Romanov from the clinic "Vetbars" conducted operations of dogs’ sterilize dogs, funds were collected only for the necessary consumables and anesthesia.

More information on this subject you can find here: vk.com/kazandog

Also you can read about this campaign in the media: Вечерняя Казань, Бизнес Онлайн

The "Good Deed" campaign 2016

The «Good Deed» campaign
The «Good Deed» campaign