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Our projects

Наши проекты

Despite the fact that our main activity is aimed at rendering timely and all necessary assistance to stray animals (treatment, care, find home), we are also engaged in the implementation of charitable projects aimed at raising public awareness of the problem of stray animals, involving more people in the process of work on improving the situation with stray animals, a propaganda of humanistic attitude towards stray animals.

In this section, we publish information about the various events and activities that have been carried out directly by our organizations "We want to be at home" in Kazan, or about events we have participated in.

Our projects

The objectives of these activities and actions (charity concerts, exhibitions, collaborating with other cultural communities, promotions, etc.) are attracting public attention and raise public awareness about the problem of stray animals, to raise funds for sterilization, treatment and maintenance of shelters and finding a home to cats and dogs from our shelters.

We are also happy and open to cooperate with other organizations for the implementation of joint charitable projects.