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About us

About us

The history of our non-profit organization has started from November 2012, when active animal rights activists and volunteers came together to help each other in many difficult situations, to help saving and protecting stray dogs and cats, to treat them, and to sterilize and find them a home. Our foundation was officially registered in 2015.

In February 2014, volunteers of our Foundation created a shelter for stray cats called "Lucy’s House", where all cats received daily meals and necessary treatment, and where they resided while we searched for a home for each one of them. Currently, the maximum capacity of a shelter is 50 cats. The shelter functions by the support provided to us by sympathetic people. We do not have any permanent sponsors or donors.

About us

During five years of our work, more than 400 cats and 70 dogs found their home where they are loved and happy. All animals who are under our supervision, have a necessary veterinary inspection, quarantine, they all sterilized and vaccinated, and they have a socialization period before they will be given to new owners under the contract and with a condition to tracking the further fate of the animal.

At the moment there is no separate shelter for dogs from our foundation, due to the lack of necessary funds. Dogs, supervised by the fund's volunteers, live on private exclusions or in other private shelters.

About us

The main areas of our activities are:

  • sterilization / neutering of the animal;
  • vaccination, treatment from parasites;
  • necessary treatment of sick animals;
  • special care for the animal with disabilities in the shelter;
  • if there is no possibility of residence of the animal in the shelter for one reason or another (such as an infection of the animal, quarantine, lack of a place in the shelter, etc.), the device for temporary overexposure;
  • search for home for every cat in shelter by social networks;
  • tracing the fate of the animal after finding him a home;
  • organization of charitable events, familiarization actions, educational projects in order to involve more people in the process of work on improving the situation with stray animals;
  • attracting attention and raising public awareness and awareness of the problem of stray animals in Russia.

Almost everyday, our volunteers face new cases when their help to hairy and tailed brothers is urgently needed. Some of the animals had a home in the past (but have been lost, released for "self-walking", or just thrown out because of uselessness and other various excuses), and some were just was not lucky and were born on the street from an already non-sterilized cat / dog mother. Also on the streets there are many animals that have been victims of aggression and cruelty from people, who were shot down by a car or subject to various infections / illnesses and who urgently need medical care and special care.